We Are In The Early Stages Of A Massive Short Squeeze In Gold
Hathaway also spoke about mining shares: “Analysts
go on and on about the negatives associated with the mining industry.
There is a laundry list of things they present. I think that’s all well
and good, but a different gold price environment will bring these
shares back to life in a huge way.
one of the most respected institutional minds in the entire world told
King World News that we are in the early stages of what will be a
massive short squeeze in the gold market. John Hathaway, of Tocqueville
Asset Management L.P., is one of the great original thinkers in the
business, and his
fund was awarded a coveted 5-star rating. Below is what Hathaway had
to say about the developing massive short squeeze in gold.
Hathaway: “I think the story of the day is the
disconnect between physical gold and paper. I just saw a note this
morning about the most current drop in COMEX warehouse inventories.
Brinks also reported this week that their inventories were down 55%....
“We also have what’s
been happening with the gold lease rates. This is just another
indication of how hard physical gold is to come by. Bernanke also
basically made a U-turn on QE by essentially saying we are going to be
in this easy money mode for a long, long time. He definitely backed
away from ending QE in mid-2014.
think the shorts had been ganging up on gold with the view that there
would be some sort of exit, and now it’s nowhere in sight, and now some
of them are running for cover. But if I’m at the Fed, I am looking at a
huge mess. We also know that Bernanke is on his way out.
have a to-do list for the next Chairman of the Fed. One would be to
open a direct connection so the Treasury doesn’t have to issue bonds.
The Fed just gives the Treasury money to fund whatever they need to do.
The other thing they may do is force tax-deferred retirement accounts
to own 20% in a Treasury security that has an interest rate ceiling of
say 2%. That’s how they are going to try to get out of QE, or the
alternative is we are going to have incredible inflation.”
Hathaway also added: “This
sentiment is as bad as I remember going all the way back to when we
started the gold fund in 1998. Gold has become a joke. I love these
aggressively negative strategy type letters that I keep seeing.
Everybody is trying to top the next guy on how low gold will go. It’s
the opposite of what we saw when gold was pushing above $1,900.
sentiment is ripe for a complete reversal on gold, and a very sharp
one. We know the market is structured in a way that is very vulnerable
to a short squeeze, which I think has already started to take place, but
we are still in the very early stages of it. We have had a lot of
false starts in the gold market, but this one sure looks like a massive
upside reversal will soon be upon us.”