The Push To Jail Bankers with William Black and Ron Paul TV
Here's what's in your Prime Interest today:
Are the rats scampering off the sinking ship? The ship being the Fed. Governor Elizabeth Duke just wrote her own pink slip yesterday, in a surprising turn of events. This is ahead of the expected departure of Chairman Bernanke, who will likely not seek a third term this January.
All while the media is busy floating Larry Summers as Bernanke's replacement. But let's not forget he's the guy who helped tank the Harvard endowment fund, ignoring warnings from Iris Mack that it was loaded with toxic derivatives. So let's just put him in charge of the Fed's 3-trillion-dollar balance sheet.
And, speaking of derivatives, today was a critical deadline where an exemption to Dodd Frank was set to expire. The likes of JP Morgan have been able to trade in London and evade US rules. We know how that worked out thanks to a certain City of London Whale. But, a turf war compromise has been reached between the US and Europe. So don't worry, the $700 trillion derivatives juggernaut will continue, unabated.
Could there finally be a Fannie / Freddie wind-down in the works? Congress has been debating it for a while. And House Republicans are pushing for a bill that will quote "virtually remove the government from the housing market."
Except it won't -- because the replacement would be an insurance scheme similar to the current student loan scheme. And there's an additional sticking point. According to, Bruce Krasting, a new shareholder lawsuit against the mortgage giants will make it very difficult to exterminate the mortgage giants.
Bob talks control fraud with William Black -- the guy who exposed corruption in congress relating to the Savings and Loan scandal two decades ago.
And Perianne presents the new Ron Paul Channel -- coming to an internet near you this summer. We also have an interview with Chris Rossini from Economic Policy Journal and the Ron Paul Institue.
Here's what's in your Prime Interest today:
Are the rats scampering off the sinking ship? The ship being the Fed. Governor Elizabeth Duke just wrote her own pink slip yesterday, in a surprising turn of events. This is ahead of the expected departure of Chairman Bernanke, who will likely not seek a third term this January.
All while the media is busy floating Larry Summers as Bernanke's replacement. But let's not forget he's the guy who helped tank the Harvard endowment fund, ignoring warnings from Iris Mack that it was loaded with toxic derivatives. So let's just put him in charge of the Fed's 3-trillion-dollar balance sheet.
And, speaking of derivatives, today was a critical deadline where an exemption to Dodd Frank was set to expire. The likes of JP Morgan have been able to trade in London and evade US rules. We know how that worked out thanks to a certain City of London Whale. But, a turf war compromise has been reached between the US and Europe. So don't worry, the $700 trillion derivatives juggernaut will continue, unabated.
Could there finally be a Fannie / Freddie wind-down in the works? Congress has been debating it for a while. And House Republicans are pushing for a bill that will quote "virtually remove the government from the housing market."
Except it won't -- because the replacement would be an insurance scheme similar to the current student loan scheme. And there's an additional sticking point. According to, Bruce Krasting, a new shareholder lawsuit against the mortgage giants will make it very difficult to exterminate the mortgage giants.
Bob talks control fraud with William Black -- the guy who exposed corruption in congress relating to the Savings and Loan scandal two decades ago.
And Perianne presents the new Ron Paul Channel -- coming to an internet near you this summer. We also have an interview with Chris Rossini from Economic Policy Journal and the Ron Paul Institue.