Neocon: Rand Paul Is Likely to Improve as a Warmonger (with practice)

Neocon Jennifer Rubin writes in WaPo:

Watching Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) try to spin his foreign policy tales is like listening to a beginning violinist — it’s painful. But with practice and a teacher, the violinist can improve.
But she is certainly unhappy with recent comments Rand has made:
Sen. Rand Paul lashed out Monday against neoconservatives on Twitter for  supporting the “military junta” in Egypt and arguing for continued monetary aid to the country, whose armed forces recently ousted the sitting president,  Mohamed Morsi.[..] 
I’d like to understand to whom he is referring. President Obama? Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry? They all supported aid to the Egyptian government. Both houses of Congress, maybe? Right now it is the president who is rebuffing calls to cut off aid. Mr. Obama is many things, but a neoconservative he is not. One suspects Paul doesn’t quite know what one is and likes to toss around the term as his father and other fringe characters do in lieu of intelligible criticism.
Her advice to Rand:
Paul surely wants to be taken seriously. To do that, however, he needs to stop name-calling and learn something about foreign policy. In that regard, he might find he has more in common with Obama (cut defense, withdraw troops, reject meaningful assistance to the Syrians) than he does with mainstream conservatives. But that really isn’t fair; even the president understands the need for such counterterrorism tactics as drones and NSA surveillance.
In any case, like the aspiring violinist trying to get to Carnegie Hall, Rand Paul needs to practice, practice, practice.