IG: ‘Security Vulnerabilities’ at U.S. Embassy Beirut ‘Place Employees at Risk’
A report released today by the office of the inspector general for the State Department says security vulnerabilities at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, put Americans working there at risk, and concludes that building a new embassy compound would “substantially improve” security.
“Physical security vulnerabilities at mission facilities, which include office buildings and residences, place employees at risk,” says the new report, which was released today and is marked “Sensitive But Unclassified.” Elements of the report have been redacted.
A report released today by the office of the inspector general for the State Department says security vulnerabilities at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, put Americans working there at risk, and concludes that building a new embassy compound would “substantially improve” security.
“Physical security vulnerabilities at mission facilities, which include office buildings and residences, place employees at risk,” says the new report, which was released today and is marked “Sensitive But Unclassified.” Elements of the report have been redacted.