BREAKING – VATICAN IN CRISIS: Just Days before Electing New Pope, Britian’s Cardinal O’Brien Resigns! Benedict Changes Conclave Rules

Cardinal Keith O’Brien has resigned following allegations of inappropriate behaviour. Story coming shortly.
Britain’s highest Catholic cleric, Keith Cardinal O’Brien, has been accused of ‘inappropriate’ behavior with fellow priests
O’Brien, head of the Catholic Church in Scotland, is accused of misconduct with priests dating back to the 1980s, reported British newspaper The Observer.
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Pope accepts resignation of Cardinal O’Brien a few weeks before the cardinal was due to retire

The most senior priest in the Roman Catholic Church in Britain Cardinal Keith O’Brien has resigned over claims he previously behaved innappropriately, it has emerged
Resignation means Keith O’Brien will not take part in election of next Pope
BBC Breaking News
Pope accepts resignation of UK’s Cardinal O’Brien, who denies claims of inappropriate behaviour towards priests. LIVE
Big snow through the Plains next couple days
BREAKING: MORE: Scottish Catholic news office: Cardinal O’Brien says won’t attend papal conclave.
Cardinal O’Brien resigns after gay allegations – and won’t vote for next Pope. This is a shocking crisis for the Church
Revelation 17: Prophecy of the Seven Kings – 8th King Identified!
Petrus Romanus

Vatican denounces reports that Pope quit over gay sex scandal
Pope Benedict reportedly learned of a secret gay conclave at the Vatican on Dec. 17, the same day he decided to resign. The Vatican insisted the reports are false, and simply an attempt to influence the next pope’s election.
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Pope changes church law to allow cardinals to start conclave earlier than originally stipulated
Pope accepts resignation of top British cleric
The Associated Press‏@AP
BREAKING: Pope changes conclave rules, says cardinals can move up date of vote if all cardinals in Rome.
Vatican says Vatileaks report to remain confidential
The Vatican said on Monday that a report into papal documents leaked by Pope Benedict’s butler in the so-called “Vatileaks scandal” last year will remain confidential and only be shown to the next pontiff.
“The Holy Father has decided that the facts of this investigation, the contents of which are known only to Himself, will be made available exclusively to the new Pontiff,” the Vatican said in a statement.
Breaking News
MORE: Pope Benedict XVI has changed the rules of the conclave: