Obama Leaves Marine Hero Rotting In Mexican Prison

Obama Leaves Marine Hero Rotting In Mexican Prison

Barack Obama loves to give speeches in front of our troops.

He stood on the shoulders—or rather the necks—of the SEALS who took out Osama Bin Laden, taking the credit for himself, even inviting Hollywood in to produce the Ode to Obama, aka Zero Dark Thirty.
But after the troops have served their purpose, they are discarded as garbage.

Case in point: Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, the two former Navy SEALS under fire at the CIA annex in Benghazi, who begged Washington to send help to the consulate to save Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, and a number of others. When Obama refused to send help to the consulate, they went themselves, risking their lives, saving Americans, and making their way back to the CIA safe house, where they met their doom after a second wave of the terrorist attack took them out after several hours.
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