CNN host Piers Morgan is taking advantage of recent gun deaths yet again to go on an anti-Second Amendment rant yet again.
On Wednesday through Sunday, 67 people in Chicago were shot. But instead of considered the fact that Chicago’s gun policies are failing (God forbid!), Morgan said those same laws should be expanded… Throughout the entire country!
“Who is going to stop this insanity?” the CNN host tweeted.
Then he tweeted again, saying, “Chicago’s supposedly ‘tough’ gun laws are utterly pointless when states around it have weak gun laws. America needs to take federal action.”
But wait, there’s more! Morgan put out yet another follow-up tweet that said, “The gun ‘rights’ lobby can tell me the only answer to gun violence is more guns until they’re blue in the face. It’s utter nonsense.”
Too bad what Morgan is saying is not based in logic whatsoever.
If gun control were effective, Chicago would be the safest city in the country. Prior to 2013, Illinois was the only state where carrying a concealed weapon was illegal. In December, federal judges struck down the ban, ruling it unconstitutional. But now Illinois lawmakers are working to pass other gun regulations, like an assault weapons ban. Despite a history of strict gun policies, Chicago is one of the nation’s most violent and deadly cities. In 2012, there were over 500 gun-related deaths in Chicago. That is up over 10 percent from the rate in 2005. Gun control is clearly not working in the Windy City.
Strict gun laws do not work because they take guns out of the hands of only law-abiding citizens. These civilians are then left with few ways to defend themselves against armed criminals, who do not follow laws. It is absurd to think that banning guns would stop a criminal from possessing them. If that argument worked, no one in America would posses or use illegal drugs. Banning something does not make it go away.
Just this morning, Morgan put out yet another gun control tweet, “Remember, the only @NRA answer to 70 shot during long weekend in Chicago is obviously… MORE GUNS. #Madness”
Actually, Piers, the NRA’s answer is more guns only for LAW ABIDING citizens! And less guns for criminals. If you had it your way, only the law abiding folks would be disarmed (because again, criminals would not follow your silly laws).Strict gun control would only further disarm law-abiding citizens, leaving them no way to defend themselves.
Will gun-hating liberals ever acknowledge the facts? I won’t hold my breath.
On Wednesday through Sunday, 67 people in Chicago were shot. But instead of considered the fact that Chicago’s gun policies are failing (God forbid!), Morgan said those same laws should be expanded… Throughout the entire country!
“Who is going to stop this insanity?” the CNN host tweeted.
Then he tweeted again, saying, “Chicago’s supposedly ‘tough’ gun laws are utterly pointless when states around it have weak gun laws. America needs to take federal action.”
But wait, there’s more! Morgan put out yet another follow-up tweet that said, “The gun ‘rights’ lobby can tell me the only answer to gun violence is more guns until they’re blue in the face. It’s utter nonsense.”
Too bad what Morgan is saying is not based in logic whatsoever.
If gun control were effective, Chicago would be the safest city in the country. Prior to 2013, Illinois was the only state where carrying a concealed weapon was illegal. In December, federal judges struck down the ban, ruling it unconstitutional. But now Illinois lawmakers are working to pass other gun regulations, like an assault weapons ban. Despite a history of strict gun policies, Chicago is one of the nation’s most violent and deadly cities. In 2012, there were over 500 gun-related deaths in Chicago. That is up over 10 percent from the rate in 2005. Gun control is clearly not working in the Windy City.
Strict gun laws do not work because they take guns out of the hands of only law-abiding citizens. These civilians are then left with few ways to defend themselves against armed criminals, who do not follow laws. It is absurd to think that banning guns would stop a criminal from possessing them. If that argument worked, no one in America would posses or use illegal drugs. Banning something does not make it go away.
Just this morning, Morgan put out yet another gun control tweet, “Remember, the only @NRA answer to 70 shot during long weekend in Chicago is obviously… MORE GUNS. #Madness”
Actually, Piers, the NRA’s answer is more guns only for LAW ABIDING citizens! And less guns for criminals. If you had it your way, only the law abiding folks would be disarmed (because again, criminals would not follow your silly laws).Strict gun control would only further disarm law-abiding citizens, leaving them no way to defend themselves.
Will gun-hating liberals ever acknowledge the facts? I won’t hold my breath.