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Even worse, Minister Gatilov further recommends in his report that the plans put forth by General Colonel Leonid Ivashov, who warned this past week that “America must be kept at gunpoint,” should be “immediately implemented” as war with the United States should be expected to occur no later than 2014.
General Colonel Ivashov (Ret.), who is currently a professor at the prestigious International Academy of Geopolitical Problems (IAGP), warned that the planetary forecast is catastrophic and that Russian tactical nuclear weapons constantly threatening the
Important to note is that in 2010, Konstantin Sivkov, former Vice President of the IAGP, had warned that “World War III will start 100 years after WWI (2014) and will take lives of hundreds of millions people worldwide”.
In his gloomy assessment, Sivkov forecasts that World War III will be of “coalitional nature”. Countries will form coalitions based on their loyalty to one of the two “models of world order”. The first model is “the world of civilized hierarchies” where a select few “brutally exploit the rest of humanity”. The second model defined by Sivkov is “civilized mutual support or civilized harmony”.
“In other words, the war will be waged to define the spiritual basis of the new world order. It will be either based on individualism, selfishness and suppression or based on community, domination of mutual interests to survive and develop and support each other,” says Sivkov.
Leading the “coalition of exploitation” into World War III, Minister Gatilov says in his report, will be the plutocracy-led United States whose subjugation of its own citizens has no known modern counterpart with the speed and ruthlessness it has radically changed its once globally admired democracy and enslaved its once free peoples.
The evidence for labeling the United States as a plutocracy (rule by the wealthy) laid out in Minister Gatilov’s report note that the insane levels of inequality currently existing in America have been made more worse under Obama than under Bush.
He further notes that the Obama regime is prosecuting fewer financial crimes than Bush, or his father or Ronald Reagan and that the richest Americans captured more than 100% of all recent income gains leaving nothing for any of the other classes.
The recently revised (February, 2013) report “Who Rules America?” written by
“As of 2010, the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 35.4% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 53.5%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 89%, leaving only 11% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers).”
With those richest Americans capturing all the wealth, this report continues, personal income for the rest of those citizens plunged 3.6 percent in January, which the US Bureau of Economic Analysis reported was the biggest such drop in 20 years.
Against this catastrophic destruction of wealth to the American lower and middle classes, Minister Gatilov says, US Federal Government revenue for 2013 will hit a record $2.7 trillion of which over $155 billion has already been paid out to the richest Americans in the form of interest payments, and over $5 trillion is slated to be paid out to these plutocrats in the next 10 years.
Most curious to note about the US economy, Minister Gatilov says, is that even though it ended 2012 with a Gross National Product (GDP) ratio to debt of 103.8%, that amount comes no where close to the years following World War II when America rebuilt nearly the entire global economy single-handedly incurring the highest GDP-to-debt ratios in its entire history including, 1945 at 116.65%, 1946 at 121.96%, and 1947 at 105.35%.
By contrast, Minister Gatilov points out in his report, the United States, during the height of World War II, didn’t even approach 100% of its GDP-to-debt ratio (1942 at 48.92%, 1943 at 71.83% and 1944 at 92.84) and that the United Kingdom, in 1820, and as it built the British Empire to such a global extent the sun never sat upon it, incurred a staggering 250% GDP-to-debt ratio.
These historic US and UK GDP-to-debt ratios, and as compared to the present ones, Minister Gatilov says, are critical to note as evidence of an entrenched plutocracy, where in the past these monies were used for the advancement of a nation, but in today’s world are only being used to enrich the elite classes.
With the United States being home to just 4.52% of the Earth's population, Minister Gatilov says, it is, also, home to the world’s largest number of billionaires with its having 442 of them, which is another extreme example of how plutocratic America has become.
And in a shocking statement, Minister Gatilov points out that these American billionaires are dumping their stocks at never before seen levels over fears of a
With Western bankers recently admitting at a UK conference that they “engineered the 2008 global financial crisis”, Minister Gatilov further warns in this report that the ratio of US insider selling to buying of stocks is now 50-to-1 - a monthly record – shows that a new economic collapse is “clearly” being planned by these plutocrats as a further means to consolidate their power over the American people, and, according to a recently released US Department of Justice memo, includes the outright confiscation of all the American peoples guns.
With other new warnings coming from US warning that the Obama regime is planning for “Soviet style purges of the American people”, and the US Supreme Court this past week putting the Obama regimes expanded terror surveillance program beyond legal challenge, and the Obama regime imprisoning a number of activists in Seattle for refusing to answer questions about the political activities of people they know, Minister Gatilov ironically notes in his reports summation that the present day United States is “more plutocratic than even the Soviets even tried to be.”
With many prominent American journalists now openly questioning if the Obama regime is able to kill them on American soil with drone strikes, and their “mainstream” media accused of acting not as conduits of information for the American people, but rather adjuncts of the state, censoring and vetting information in order to shape public opinion, it stands to reason that the masses of these people remain totally ignorant as the cruel fate that awaits them….but one which they will see evidenced much sooner than later.
Source: whatdoesitmean