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According to this report, Libyan Preventative Security official Hussein Bin Hmeid announced this past fortnight that his intelligence forces had arrested four foreigners in the eastern city of Benghazi on suspicion of being Christian missionaries and printing books about Christianity. Hmeid further stated about these arrests that “Proselytizing is forbidden in Libya. We are a 100 percent Muslim country and this kind of action affects our national security.”
Even worse, this report continues, Arabic media sources are now reporting that over 100 Christian Copts from Egypt, who have been living and working in Libya, were recently arrested in Benghazi--also on the accusation, or pretext, of being “Christian missionaries.”
Egypt’s largest news service, Ahrem Online, is further reporting today that these Christians are being tortured by Libyan authorities and a new video appeared on You Tube yesterday, apparently made by the Libyan militia interrogators, showing these Christian prisoners with shaved heads and evidence of them having been beaten.
Concerning the four foreign missionaries, identified as being an Egyptian, a South African, a Korean and a Swede who was traveling on a US passport, this report says, it is difficult to say who they are and what they were doing since they basically have been swallowed up by the Benghazi prisons; their names and identities have not even been revealed.
Russian Foreign Ministry attempts to contact the Obama regime about this tragedy, this report says, have “all been rebuffed” with the US State Department claiming that this matter was an “internal affair” of the Libyan government which the Americans say they have no control over.
This stands in stark contrast to the US State Departments own Libyan Fact Sheet which, in part, says:
“The United States has a strategic interest in a stable and prosperous Libya, and is supporting Libya’s democratic transition in cooperation with the UN and other international partners. Recognizing Libya’s own substantial resources, the United States has focused on building Libyan institutions and increasing its capacity to govern effectively, hold free and fair elections, and manage public finances transparently and responsibly. We have also provided targeted assistance to support the development of Libyan civil society and its security forces. Investing modestly in Libya’s future will help further advance Libya’s democratic transition, promote stability, and strengthen the U.S.-Libya partnership.
Since February 2011, the United States has provided $170 million in assistance, mostly in response to urgent humanitarian and security challenges in the immediate aftermath of the beginning of the conflict. We have also focused on supporting capacity building efforts within government institutions, developing civil society, and facilitating free and fair elections. All programs advance key U.S. interests by filling critical capacity gaps within U.S.-Libya identified transition priorities. All projects are being coordinated with the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL).
The United States has also resumed a full range of people-to-people programming and exchanges, to include scholarships, fellowships, English-language education, educational advising, cultural preservation, and short term visits and training in the United States.”
To if a “stable and prosperous Libya” the Obama regime claims to be a major part of now includes the wholesale massacre of Christians, this report says, Russia can rightfully claim that from the very beginning of the West’s war against this North African nation it had warned the world that this would be the most likely outcome.
In perhaps it most outrageous action against peace and freedom in Libya, in late October (2012), the United States blocked a draft statement, proposed by Russia, on the resolution of violence in the Libyan town of Bani Walid, which had been under siege for weeks. The statement called for a peaceful solution to the conflict.
Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said the move “can't be serious,” reminding the American delegation of the deadly attack in Benghazi that claimed the lives of four US diplomats in September.
“Blocking a draft statement that called to solve the country’s political problems without violence is very strange,” Churkin said. “This is a case when it is difficult to explain the US delegation’s actions in rational terms.”
The statement drafted by Russia on Bani Walid called on the Libyan authorities “to take urgent steps to resolve the conflict by peaceful means and to preserve the rights of all Libyan citizens.” It also expressed concern about the significant escalation of violence in and around the city of Bani Walid in recent days.
Lawrence Freeman, from news magazine Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) says the US will block any peaceful solution to the ongoing violence in Libya, because stability in the region is not in its interests.
“The ambassador from Russia made a perfectly reasonable proposal to quiet down the violence,” he said. “And he would expect that the United States, as a super power, would respond in a rational manner. The problem is that President Obama and his UN envoy Susan Rice – they are not interested in developing peace in Libya and in the whole Middle East area. And therefore they are going to torpedo any moves that the Russians make that would tend to quiet the situation down.”
To the American people themselves demanding that their Christian brothers and sisters facing a horrible death in Libya be freed there appears to be no effort being made as, and as always, their propaganda “mainstream” media, and Obama regime lapdogs, refuse to tell them of this grave situation.
Source: whatdoesitmean