On July 4, 1776 Congress, such as it existed then adopted
our most sacred founding document The
Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen
United States of America Today we refer to
it simply as the Declaration of Independence but how many of us truly
understand what its purpose was, what it means and what is contained in it? And
why not?
most people will simply tell you well it was our countries’ declaration to the
King of England that the colonists didn’t want to be part of his Kingdom
anymore. While that is certainly true it doesn’t actually describe the contents
of the document nor the principles contained therein.
first clue that we don’t as a nation have the slightest understanding of our
founding documents is contained in the title “The Unanimous Declaration of the
Thirteen United States of America”. Wait a minute, weren’t we taught that
before the Revolutionary War this nation was comprised of Thirteen Colonies of
Britain? Weren’t most of you out there taught that this country only became a
country with the writing of the Constitution and the formation of a central
government? How many listeners out there even realize that the Constitution was
never presented to the people, ratified by the people nor were the people
consulted as to its contents? How many of you understand the reason this is so,
or that the Constitution is not the “law of the land” nor does it pertain to
the people? How many of you know that it was the Unanimous Declaration of the
Thirteen States of America (not the United States) which declared and
guarantees your freedom? How many of you know that before the Constitution was
even written there was another document written for the purpose of collective
governance in the limited areas the already United Thirteen States found they
had need to accomplish together The Articles of Confederation and that it,
unlike the Constitution did pertain to the people? How many of you know that
your rights do not come from the Constitution and cannot be given or taken by
any government?
So what exactly does The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen Untied States of America say that we have been taught to ignore?
What exactly was Thomas Jefferson, the author of that document, trying to
convey to the people and secure for posterity? The heart of that document is
contained in the second paragraph:
We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are
instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to
these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect
their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments
long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and
accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer,
while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to
which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under
absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such
government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
Mr. Jefferson took great care to
include a most fundamental basic truth which we have been systematically taught
to overlook; the fact that our rights come from our Creator and not from any
form of government. He says among these are;
Life…. Only the Creator has the power
to grant life to all creatures great and small
Liberty… All creatures great and small
are free to be, to exist, to live in the manner enabled by the nature of their
The Pursuit of Happiness… just as an
animal strives to exist in the manner most suited to its kind in the ways in
which it is most content so too does humanity have that right from birth.
(there was actually some heated debate at the time over this one because
Jefferson first intended for it to read Property instead of Happiness but many
of the other founders were afraid that since slaves both owned and indentured
at the time were considered property it might render it impossible to abolish
slavery at some time in the future. They knew slavery was an issue which would
inevitably divide the states instead of unite them and realized they needed to
leave a door open to address it at a more opportune time.)
Mr. Jefferson points out that these
truths are self evident. In other words any moron should understand them. Man
did not create them and man cannot take them away. In the next sentence
Jefferson says governments are made by men only to secure the rights given by
the Creator and even then only by the consent of those to be governed. When was
the last time you were consulted and asked for your consent to be bound by any
law which our out of control government simply decides to pass and enforce? How
many secret laws have been passed under the “guise” of government which you do
not agree with, had no say in but are expected to know about, understand and
comply with? Are you even aware that every day of your life you inadvertently
violate some law you didn’t even know about which makes you a felon?
Today we have quite literally been
taken over by an out of control Socialist regime. Not by accident. Not by
natural slow progression but by cunning plan and patient application of
insidious laws, codes and decrees most of us are unaware of unless we find
ourselves suddenly the victim of the purpose of one or two or ten. Those
involved in this twisted agenda would now have us believe that the self evident
truths Thomas Jefferson spoke of include a lengthy list of material items and
or services which are totally the product of human endeavor. We are now told
through absolute idiocy that these things are rights.
Things like:
Health Care
Energy etc.
And my personal favorite, Not Having
our little feelings hurt or being offended AND a host of other goods and
services we are now told are rights instead of things to aspire to or
privileges we can also earn.
Let’s look closer at that list with a
measure of common sense. We are led to expect that Education is a right
instead of a human endeavor. Certainly we have discovered over the millennia
that all people benefit from gaining an education in order to prosper,
recognize and make the most of opportunity and make the most of personal
potential. But who creates education? Is it the Creator or is it man? And who
decides what should be taught today, the Creator or man? In fact in this
country at least, education has been completely usurped and high jacked to
further a Geo Political agenda since the decision by the bankers during the
presidential term of Woodrow Wilson that if they could completely control
education for two generations they could then control the whole of society and
thus was born the Federal Department of Education. It took them until 1965 to
really get it done and until around 1974 to put the final nails in the coffin
of true education. Now the purpose of education is work force training and has
nothing at all to do with critical thinking, creativity, personal endeavor,
decency, moral behavior, responsibility or the pursuit of prosperity. Today
what we mistake for education is in truth Total Indoctrination to accept the
enslavement necessary for a small percentage of humanity to rule over all
others under the doctrine of NEW WORLD ORDER. Does that make teachers bad? Of
course not, remember the bankers said it would take two generations to gain
total control The teachers of today know nothing more than what they have been
taught and can only teach what they know. What makes it worse is that they
truly believe as they were conditioned to believe that what they are teaching
is truth. We did a show on the truth of the Educational system in this country
a couple of months ago and Deatra will put the link to that in the chat room.
In addition to the information I
provided on that show I have recently acquired a document entitled Silent
Weapons For Quiet Wars, an Introduction Programming manual used at the
CIA Training center. All of its contents are beyond disturbing but the section
on the use of education in waging class warfare is of particular interest here.
On page 7 of that document I bring your attention to the following directly
quoted; “In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class
elements of society must be brought under total control, ie; must be
housebroken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social duties from a
very early age, before they have an opportunity to question on the propriety of
the matter. In order to achieve such conformity, the lower-class family unit
must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents
and the establishment of government-operated day-care centers for the
occupationally orphaned children. The quality of education given to the lower
class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the
inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the
inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower class
individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their
assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some
measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper class.”
This Quiet War using Silent Weapons was
quietly declared by the International Elite at a meeting held in 1954. Although
the silent weapons system was nearly exposed 13 years later, the evolution of
the new-weapon system has never suffered any major setbacks even today.
Housing… well now this one is just plain silly. Since man has been on
this planet for thousands of years before housing was even invented how can it
be that the Creator intended for him to have the right to a house, a tent or
even a cave? Man was created with all the tools he needs to acquire those
things which he perceives would make his existence easier. It didn’t take too
long relatively speaking for man to figure out how to construct shelter whether
it be from grass, mud or blocks of ice. This is one obvious reason the Creator
included intellect in mans grand design. Should we care in modern society when
those without homes are in need of shelter? Well of course we should because we
are also expected to understand common compassion for those less fortunate.
Does that mean we as a society owe them a house? No it does not. It means we
should reach out a hand up not a hand out. If you give a man a fish and then
leave him alone sooner or later he will starve. If instead you teach him to
catch his own fish he will prosper at least in the area of feeding himself.
Here again is evidence of the consequences of abandoning true education and the
teaching of common decency and morality. Today we have literally millions of
people who actually think they are owed a prosperous life and a nice house just
because mama thought they were cute or somebody didn’t potty train them right.
Nobody should be homeless but everybody should earn their own roof. The
challenge to society is to provide enough opportunity to earn not to take from
those who earn and give to those who won’t.
Jobs… Are any of the
Creators creatures guaranteed employment? If that were so it would seem reasonable
to expect some sort of label somewhere on the body to indicate just what sort
of job the Creator had in mind for you at birth wouldn’t it? A job is simply a
task for which someone else is going to pay you in some way. Since the concept
of money is also manmade and man has made himself dependent upon it, it is also
his responsibility to seek that situation which will result in his having it.
Once again a civilized society seeks to provide opportunities for all to seek
and find employment not to pay people just for breathing. Nobody should have to
state this fact but apparently today we have a whole generation of spoiled
brats who think they should be paid top dollar for flipping hamburgers right
out of high school. This too is a consequence of indoctrination and a total
lack of decent example or any application of discipline both in the home and in
the schools. Naturally we wouldn’t even be having this conversation if we
hadn’t sat on our collective butts and allowed a corrupt corporate government to
turn us into a nation of consumers who produce nothing. No wonder there are no
jobs, nobody wants to pay us to consume.
Health Care… I almost don’t even want to go there this is so idiotic. Every
man and woman on this planet should be fully aware there are no guarantees from
birth to death of good health. We all have the power to choose healthy
lifestyles but most of us don’t. We all have the power to purchase health
insurance if we don’t want to pay for the attention of a doctor or hospital in
case of accident or the unfortunate consequences of our own bad choices. Health
Care is a service given by those who have studied and learned the skills needed
to give it. They deserve to be paid for their services whatever they decide
those services are worth. If we think they think too much of their skills and
are charging too much we have the right to seek services elsewhere. We have the
right to choose not to seek medical services at all. The point is the only
right involved in Health Care is our right to choose what, when, where or
if. Once again, another problem created by deliberate deficiency in
responsible education and a massively widespread entitlement mentality.
Food… The Creator
when designing this fascinating planet put on it and in it every single item
needed to sustain it and all the creatures which live on, above and within it.
Our world is one of abundance anywhere you look. Food shortages are created by
man, unfortunately many times purposely to kill, contain or control others. The
same government that is so hell bent on fostering the idea that you have a
right to food is systematically destroying your capability to obtain it. If you
don’t believe that you had better do some research into things like Chem
Trails, GMO seeds, Pharmaceuticals used on livestock, Pesticides and toxic
dumping. The only right you have in regard to food is the right to expect to be
able to obtain it by your own effort without interference by others who tell
you they know better than you what is good for you.
Energy…. Excuse me? A right to energy? If you are speaking of the
abundance of energy within our own bodies and in our very atmosphere well yes
you have the right to access all the energy you can figure out how to use. You
also have the right to demand access to the hidden technology for free energy
which has in fact been available for decades and no I am not talking about
solar panels. You have a right to know that OIL is NOT necessary to anything
the worlds population that their very lives and prosperity depends on oil that
same population can be led by the nose to accept war, genocide, fake terrorism,
false flag events like 911, Oklahoma City, Fukashima and the Gulf Oil Spill all
in the name of keeping them safe and their TV’s on spewing mind control and
deliberate disinformation, mindless programming and diversion all to divert
attention from the truth and enable the handful of self appointed elite
criminals to rape the earth and its people. By the way did you ever wonder how
many dinosaurs it would have taken to create enough oil for one day of
consumption in the United States alone? If you had maybe you wouldn’t have
bought the utterly moronic idea that oil comes from dead dinosaurs or any other
of God’s extinct creations.
That brings us to the most brainless
concept any society has ever indulged in to excuse an utter lack of personal
responsibility and common decency; Political Correctness; PC. I hate to
burst your bubble America but no you do not have a right not to have your
little feelings hurt! You do not have a right not to be offended by somebody
else’s speech or behavior, religion or culture. You do not have the right to
demand others observe your personal views and live accordingly. You do not have
the right to sue somebody who called you a fat ass when you are wearing a size
56 jeans with the crack of your posterior pillowing over the top and exposing
that piece of elastic stretched to its capacity in an attempt to support the thong
that nobody should have sold you in the first place while you’re standing in
McD’s chowing down on a supersize supersize order of instant heart attack fries
with strontium poisoned McChicken Nuggets on the side! No, grow up and take
some responsibility for your actions or accept the consequences for your own
lack of judgment. If you don’t care what the mirror has to say why do you take
issue if a human says the same thing? You don’t have the right to sue
somebody because they don’t like the color of your skin, your hair, the slant
of your eyes or whether or not your face is covered with pimples. You don’t
have the right to hold anybody alive today responsible for what their great
grandparents may have done to yours and guess what? NOBODY OWES YOU REPARATIONS
THERE AREN’T ANY. The Creator made us all equal at birth, what you do with
that gift from that point on is on you and if you don’t like what somebody else
has to say about it you have the right to ignore them and do as you please so
long as you don’t step on somebody else’s rights. I guess you can tell this one
is a real pet peeve for me.
Not only do they want us to believe all
of the above are rights they want us to believe that we now have to provide
them for every other nation and every other being on the planet by the process
of taking what we work for and spreading it around to those who don’t and
millions who won’t. We now have a bunch of lazy 60’s brats who for the most
part never held an honest job in their lives running this country and telling
us what is best for us while they spend our money, steal our homes and
pensions, saddle our kids and grandkids with a future we wouldn’t wish on a
mongrel dog and what do we do about it? So far not a damn thing!
Am I being too tough on you America?
Well good because I haven’t even gotten started and there is a whole lot more
you need to know.
Mr. Jefferson, when laying out what an
unalienable right is, where it comes from and what our responsibilities are to
maintain it also told us exactly what we are to do if and when we find
ourselves in the condition we are in today but in order to do that, to follow
our founders example and instructions we first must recognize just what that
condition is and how it came to be. We can’t fix a broken down car if we don’t
know which parts are broken nor can we avoid the same parts breaking again if
we don’t find out where the weaknesses occurred and what we did or didn’t do to
alleviate the problems in the first place. Yes I know, that’s just common sense
but it has occurred to me just recently that term has become an oxymoron
because common sense is no more common these days than an honest politician or
an uncorrupted judge.
The roots of what has happened to this
once great nation began almost from the very beginning. It goes all the way
back to the man we are taught was the father of our country George Washington..who
in 1791 created District States, so the federal
government could use the militias to
crush the tax protesters in Pennsylvania. Washington said he was dividing the
United States into District States. How can you DIVIDE, SEPARATE the states,
made by the state and federal Charters/Constitutions? Why do this when Congress
already had the power to put down rebellion, Article I, section 8, U.S.
Constitution? This was an excuse to DIVIDE the states into DISTRICTS, extending
the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia/Congress and delegating to the
President, authority given to Congress to suppress insurrection, under Art. I,
sec. 8. This action is what stripped the states of their National Sovereignty
without the people even being aware they had been conquered by the ORIGINAL
Even though Congress and the Supreme
Court have made many many efforts through the years to cure the problem of self
appointed powers begun by George Washington, today the country is completely
run by foreign corporations owned and operated by the bankers who from the
beginning of our country sought to gain control of it. The existence of the
Quiet War with Silent Weapons did not start in 1954 it is much older than that but
with the unlawful passage of the 16th Amendment on Christmas Eve in
1913 the foreign banking cabal gained total control of this country for the
next 100 years which is the length of their charter for the Foreign Owned corporation
known as the Federal Reserve who also owns the Foreign Corporation known as the
IRS for the purpose of debt collection against the American people on debt they
do not owe.
Henry Ford once said:
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our
banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a
revolution before tomorrow morning. The one aim of these financiers is
world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.”
didn’t listen then will we now?
What a neat little package of utter
corruption sold to us all wrapped up in the pretty red white and blue package
of Patriotism by FDR and his oh so nice sounding New Deal re-packaged and
re-introduced in 2009 by another foreign interloper this time ensconced in the
White House as Hope and Change.
In that hundred years the stripping of
our unalienable rights was slow, carefully planned and couched in lofty
rhetoric to appeal to our weaker selves. Countless false flag events were
orchestrated to create the various crises needed to convince us to trade some
more of our liberty in exchange for a promise of an utterly non- existent
higher level of security. We have willingly given over our freedom to the
criminals who created the crimes we think we are being protected from.
Benjamin Franklin nailed it when he
said…"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security
deserve? neither and? will lose both."
To make matters much worse we are now
told that goods, services and material possessions are rights but the
unalienable rights we are born with are not ours to possess but only for the oh
so much smarter than we are idiots in Congress who collectively do not have ten
years of experience in a real job under their belts. These are people who are so
incredibly ignorant that they actually admit on national television they don’t
read the bills they vote on, they rarely follow the Constitution and we now
have to pass a bill to find out what’s in it!
Well now we know. For those of us out
here who might actually care to read the HealthCare bill, the same one our
Supreme Court is now wasting time on considering the constitutionality of its
federal mandate when instead they should be ruling on the hidden provisions
within which shred the Constitution and Bill of Rights, we find the true
purpose listed by item in more than 2 thousand pages of treason.
It’s no wonder Nancy Pelosi said pass
it first and find out later when you get down to the nitty gritty of what is
hidden within the following pages:
PG 22 MANDATES the gov will audit all
books of all employers who self insure
Pg 29 lines 4 thru 16 Healthcare
rationing you can only receive so much care per year regardless of your needs
5000$per individual 10000$per family
Pg 30 sec 123 there will be a gov
committee that decides what benefits and treatments you will receive
Pg 42 the healthcare commissioner will
choose your healthcare benefits for you. You have no choice
Pg 52 healthcare will be provided to
all non us citizens illegal or otherwise
Pg 58 the government will have real
time access to your finances and a national ID card will be issued.
Pg 59 lines 21 thru 24 the government
will have direct access to your bank accounts for elective funds transfers
Pg 65 sec 164 this is a pay off
subsidized plan for retirees and their families in unions and community
organizations such as ACORN
PG 72 LINES 8 thru 14 here the
government is creating a health care exchange to bring private health care
plans under government control
Pg 84 sec 203 the government mandates
all benefit packages for private health care plans in the exchange.
Pg 85 line 7 AARP members your
healthcare will be rationed
Pg 91 lines 4 thru 7 government
mandates linguistic appropriate services for translation for illegal aliens
Pg 95 lines 8 thru 18 the government
will use groups like ACORN and AMERICORE to sign up individually for government
health care plan.
Pg 102 lines 12 thru 18 medicade
eligible individuals will be automatically enrolled in medicade you have no
Pg 124 lines 24 thru 25 no company can
sue the government on price fixing and there will be no judicial review against
the government monopoly
Pg 126 lines 22 thru 25 employers must
pay for health care for part time employees and their families
Pg 127 lines 1 thru 16 doctors and the
American medical association; the government will tell you how much money you
can make
Pg 145 lines 15 thru 17 all employers
must enroll employees into the government plan you have no choice Pg 149 lines
16 thru 24 an employer with a payroll of 400k dollars and up who does not
provide the government option will pay an 8 percent tax on all payroll
Pg 150 line 9 thru 13 any employer with
a payroll between 251k thru 400 who does not provide the government option will
pay a 2 to 6 percent tax on all payroll
Pg 167 any individual who does not have
acceptable health care coverage according to the government will be taxed 2.5
Pg 170 lines 1 thru 3 any non resident
alien is exempt from individual taxes you and I will pay for them
Pg 195 officers and employees of the
health care administration will have access to all Americans financial and
personal records
Pg 203 lines 14 thru 15 the tax imposed
under this section shall not be treated as tax
Pg 239 lines 14 thru 24 the government
will reduce physicians services for medicade the seniors, the poor and the low
income will suffer even more than they do now
Pg 241 lines 6 thru 8 all doctors no
matter what specialty will be paid the same
Pg 253 lines 10 thru 18 the government
will set the value of doctors time and professional judgments literally the
value of human life
Pg 268 sec 1141 the federal government
regulates rental and purchase of power driven wheelchairs
Pg 272 sec 1145 regarding the
treatments of certain cancer hospitals cancer patients welcome to rationing
Pg 280 sec 1151 the government will
penalize hospitals for what the government deems preventable readmission
Pg 317 lines 13 thru 20 prohibition on
ownership and investment the government tells doctors what and how much they
can own
Pg 341 lines 3 – 9 government has the
authority to disqualify HMO’s forcing all into the government health plan
Pg 354 sec 1177 government will restrict
enrollment of special needs individuals
Seniors will be interviewed every year
as to what care they can and cannot receive and they will be counciled on final
death preparations etc.
Government will also instruct on living
wills and durable powers of attorney this is mandatory
Government provides approved lists of
end of life resources guiding you into death. Government mandates programs for
orders for end of life
America if you are now so dumbed down
that you can consider for one moment that this power grab is in your best
interest all I can say is , go back to sleep and leave the fight to those of us
who still possess some semblance of intellect and common sense.
The latest items of Presidential
treason, the NDAA giving him the power to use our own sons and daughters to
incarcerate, torture and or kill us and the recent declaration of Peace Time
Martial Law are only the latest in a long line of crimes against the American
people and the states. Executive Orders are not law but they are wielded with impunity
as if they were such as:
10994 Allows the government to control
all modes of transportation and all the highways and seaports
10995 allows the gov to seize and
control he communications media
10997 allows the gov to take over all
electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals
10998 allows the gov to seize all means
of transportation including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind
10999 allows the gov to take over all
food resources and farms
11000 allows the gov to force civilians
into work brigades under government supervision
11001 allows the gov to take over all
health, education and welfare functions
11002 designates the post master
general to operate a national registration of all persons
11003 allows the gov to take over all
airports and aircraft including commercial aircraft
11004 allows the housing and finance
authority to relocate communities forced into housing with public funds and
designate areas to be abandoned
11005 allows the gov to take over
railroads and waterways and public storage facilities
11921 gives the federal emergency
preparedness agency the authority to take over all banking institutions in the
United States
Now I’d like to go back to the contents
of the document I referred to above. Deatra has made it available on the web
site and I urge all to read it, download it, share it and stand with your
neighbors to stop it’s insidious plan from being completed. I want to share
with you now some more of what is contained in that document which remember is a
training manual for the CIA and other governmental agencies;
On page 43 of that document is the
following; Politicians hold many quasi-military jobs, the lowest being the
police which are soldiers, the attorneys and C.P.A.’s next who are spies and
saboteurs (licensed), and the judges who shout orders and run the closed union
military shop for whatever the market will bear. The generals are
industrialists. The “presidential” level of commander-in-chief is shared by the
international bankers. The people know they have created this farce and
financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under
than be the hypocrite.
Thus a nation becomes divided into two
very distinct parts, a docile sub-nation the great silent majority and a political
sub-nation remains attached to the docile sub-nation, tolerates it, and leaches
its substance until it grows strong enough to detach itself and then devour its
Those are not my words America but they
are the words of the people who have conquered you with your consent.
One of the many Silent Weapons outlined
in this manual for the control of all of us is in regard to military service,
the Draft and the power to implement it at any moment. The following is the
outline of the importance of its enforcement;
To secure the draft, individual
brainwashing/programming and both the family unit and the peer group must be
engaged and brought under control.
The man of the household must be
housebroken to ensure that junior will grow up with the right social training
and attitudes. The advertising media, etc, are engaged to see to it that
father-to-be is pussy whipped before or by the time he is married. He is taught
that he either conforms to the social notch cut out for him or his sex life
will be hobbled and his tender companionship will be zero. He is made to see
that women demand security more than logical, principled, or honorable
By the time his son must go to war,
father with jelly for a backbone will slam a gun into junior’s hand before
father will risk the censure of his peers, or make a hypocrite of himself by
crossing the investment he has in his own personal opinion or self-esteem.
Junior will go to war or father will be embarrassed. So junior will go to war,
the true purpose not withstanding.
The female element of society is ruled
by emotion first and logic second. In the battle between logic and imagination,
imagination always wins, fantasy prevails, maternal instinct dominates so that
the child comes first and the future comes second. A woman with a neworn baby
is too starry-eyed to see a wealthy man’s cannon fodder or a cheap source of
slave labor. A woman must, however, be conditioned to accept the transition to
“reality” when it comes or sooner.
As the transition becomes more
difficult to manage, the family unit must be carefully disintegrated, and
state-controlled public education and state-operated child-care centers must
become more common and legally enforced so as to begin the detachment of the
child from the mother and father at an earlier age. Inoculation of behavioral
drugs can speed the transition for the child (mandatory). Caution: A woman’s
impulsive anger can override her fear. An irate woman’s power must never be
underestimated, and her power over a pussy-whipped husband must likewise never
be underestimated. It got women the vote in 1920.
The emotional pressure for
self-preservation during the time of war and the self-serving attitude of the
common herd that have an option to avoid the battlefield if junior can be
persuaded to go – is all of the pressure finally necessary to propel Johnny off
to war. Their quiet blackmailings of him are the threats: No sacrifice, no
friends, no glory, no girlfriends and so on.
And what about Juniors sister? She is
given all the good things of life by her father, and taught to expect the same
from her future husband regardless of the price.
Cattle: Those who will not use their
brains are no better off than those who have no brains, and so this mindless
school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son and daughter become useful beasts of
burden or trainers of the same!
There is more to the document but that
is all that was available in the copy I was given. So are you one of the cattle
or are you now angry enough at yourself, yes I said yourself to stop acting
like one? Are you going to read the Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen
United States of America, heed the words of Thomas Jefferson, learn the
difference between unalienable rights and government privileges or would you rather
make the words of the following people come true?
"The few who understand the
system, will either be so interested from it's profits or so dependant on it's
favors, that there will be no opposition from that class." — Rothschild
Brothers of London, 1863
me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer
Amschel Bauer Rothschild
"This year will go down in
history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our
streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our
lead into the future!"
Adolf Hitler,circa 1935
"Today Americans would be outraged
if U.N. Troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be
Henry Kissinger
"The illegal we do immediately;
the unconstitutional takes a little longer."
Henry Kissinger
"Our task of creating a socialist
America can only succeed
When those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."-Sarah Brady
Gee and we thought she wanted to take
our right to bear arms because her husbands shooting upset her so much.. whodda
thought she was a socialist in grieving wives clothing?
Just to review now: According to Websters Dictionary the definition of unalienable is
not capable of being transferred to another or in laymans terms not negotiable,
not to be forfeited or it is a birthright. How much plainer can it possibly be?
Our founding documents tell us that these rights can not be transferred or
taken away by anyone, not by any person, not by any government. So if the
government passes laws that violate the constitution how can they enforce those
bad laws? It’s very simple, we let them do it.
Be very aware America for what you take for granted today
will be gone tomorrow.
Read your Constitution and Bill of
Rights and when you do read them with new eyes. Eyes that are open to what
those two documents really are, what they were intended to be and just exactly
who they pertain to. Stop buying the propaganda that the Constitution is the law
of the land or that the Bill of Rights gives you rights. Understand that both
those documents are in reality a list of limited powers, rules which the
federal level of government are prohibited from breaking and a list of more
unalienable rights that the government shall NEVER HAVE THE POWER TO TAKE FROM
If you’re in the American Military
Article Source: Nesaranews