How Probiotics Get You Skinny & Fight Diabetes

How Probiotics Get You Skinny & Fight Diabetes
Unless you've been living in a cave for the past several years, you've
probably heard how probiotics can help with digestive problems like IBS, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and Celiac disease.

You also might know that about 70% of your immune system resides in your gut in the form of your friendly making sure yours is strong can help prevent colds, flu and infections.
You may even be a "probiotic expert" and know that they can help lessen attacks of allergies and asthma.
But here's something I bet you don't know:
Current studies suggest probiotics can be beneficial in fighting obesity and the frequently resulting Type II diabetes!
Here's the scoop:
You hit the jackpot--you've got trillions!
The human intestinal tract harbors an astronomical number (trillions!) of microorganisms, otherwise known as your gut flora.
Your flora is made up of both "good" (health-enhancing probiotic) bacteria as well as "bad" (disease-causing, harmful) bacteria.
Experts have long recommended that an ideal balance for most people to maintain good health and a strong immune system is at least 85% good bacteria and 15% or less bad.
But now those numbers are even MORE important.
Because research is suggesting that, since your gut flora has an impact on how well your body absorbs nutrients and regulates energy, obese and lean people may have some major differences in their gut microbes.
So although diet, efficient digestion and exercise are still VERY essential to losing pounds and maintaining a healthy bodyweight, your flora balance is also likely a key factor in whether you are plump or trim.


Obesity and Type II diabetes -- BFF's
Type II diabetes has long gone hand in hand with obesity.
Here's why:
Our typical modern diet loaded with processed foods and refined carbs packs on the pounds and creates a vicious cycle in your body that causes diabetes.
You see, nutrient-poor processed foods and refined carbohydrates (sugars, white flour and all products made with them), basically turn to nothing but sugar (glucose) in your body.
If your body burned up the glucose for energy, that's fine. But the problem arises when there is SO much excess glucose over and above what you need for daily fuel.
Excess glucose not used by your body is stored as FAT.
And most people are eating WAAAY too many processed, refined foods day in and day out, and packing on the pounds as a result.
Plus, you're tempting fate with your pancreas. Having excessive amounts of glucose in your blood consistently is a great way to stress your pancreas because it has to operate in overdrive to keep up with your insulin needs.
Eventually it either can't keep up, or your cells start becoming resistant to the insulin.
That, my friend, is Type II diabetes in the making.
So, the current researchers are hopeful that if obesity can be prevented through diet, exercise and now probiotics, so can the frequently resulting diabetes.

The probiotic studies and reviews
Here are some of the promising studies and reviews that support the connection between healthy gut flora and the prevention of obesity and diabetes:
* In a 2010 double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 87 overweight people were randomly assigned to eat either probiotic-laced yogurt or just ordinary yogurt.
The researchers found that subjects who consumed the probiotic-laced yogurt had significantly reduced abdominal fat, body weight, and other factors that support the benefits of probiotics on metabolic disorders like diabetes.
* In an animal study, supplementation with the probiotic Bifidobacterium breve in obese mice that were fed a high-fat diet slowed the accumulation of body weight and fat.
* A December 2011 review in Acta Diabetologica noted that "the last 5 years have demonstrated that intestinal microbiotica, at its molecular level, is a causal factor early in the development of the diseases..." (referring to metabolic disorders such as diabetes).
Very exciting indeed!

The flip side--our grim reality
While these findings are very promising, now it's time to take a look at our current grim reality.
We Americans (and citizens of many other "civilized" countries around the world) are getting fatter and fatter, and our rates of diabetes are downright frightening.
According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), more than 1 out of 3 (35.7%) of U.S. adults are obese!
Plus currently about 25 million people in the US have diabetes, and health experts estimate that by the year 2050, as many as 1 in 3 people could have it!
Diabetes is nothing to play with. If it's poorly controlled (or worse yet, undiagnosed), it can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, high blood pressure, gangrenous infections (that may require amputation) blindness, strokes and even death.

Don't become a statistic
Don't let yourself become an obesity/diabetes statistic.
Not when there is SO much you can do to help yourself, even if you currently face those health challenges or others.
Here are the 3 health-enhancing measures that will give YOU the most bang for your buck in the fight against, and prevention of, obesity and diabetes.
1. You got to move it-move it
No question here folks--if you don't move, you don't stand a snowball's chance in you-know-where of effectively fighting obesity and diabetes.
And don't even try to tell me you don't have the time. The average person watches TV and surfs the net at least 4 hours a day. Give up a little of that time you spend sitting on your caboose and work up a sweat instead.
You don't have to exercise like someone who's training for a triathlon. Even brisk walking is helpful. Just pick an activity you like or can at least tolerate and do it at least 3-4 days a week.

2. Supplement with a powerful probiotic
The numerous health benefits of probiotics cannot be questioned, and the studies continue to support how crucial a proper flora balance is to your health from head to toe.
That's why supplementation with a potent probiotic is SO smart for SO many people.
And if you're looking for a top-quality, multi-strain formula, there is no better one than Super Shield.
Super Shield contains 13 of the most potent, proven probiotic species, including the Bifidobacteria breve that was cited in one of the studies I quoted above.
These "good guys" take their place along your intestinal walls, crowding out harmful microorganisms, enhancing your digestion, beefing up your immune system, encouraging regular, normal bowel movements...
Oh, and helping to fight obesity and diabetes too!
Learn more about Super Shield and all the ways it can help you here.

3. Eat fewer processed foods and refined carbs
In the Great Taste No Pain health system, I show you delicious ways to enjoy REAL foods -- whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish. And the meals are all easily digested, so you get the nutrients from your foods, instead of having them destroyed with overproduction of acid and poor digestion.
These are foods that are nutrient-dense and don't result in the harmful onslaught of sugar in your body like processed and refined foods.
That means less excess glucose to turn to fat (obesity), and less likelihood of insulin resistance and the resulting type II diabetes.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
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PPS: Sandra tells all her clients about Great Taste No Pain!
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Thank you and Healthy Regards,
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Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
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