January 5th, 2013
Dr. Pat Holliday
Entities Raping Humans
Audio Interview
As you may have noticed I did not publish the Ott's sumary of her interview.
This is why:
Q: Well Pat, now it does seem to me there is within tens of thousands of diferent variations of the Christian groups, churches and that, and then the others and chatolics and the mormons and whatever other names there are aliniated of the christian names or sex, but they all seem to be able to mowe the needle in this country one more way or another when it comes to morality or abortion or any kind like that. Is taht because
they all have been hipnotised to be actually like obama suporter, or NWO supporters?
A: Actually, you know when bush was in office, bush told about the thing called faith base, and what happened was they gave the churches money to build their buildings and their programs, and, at that, they got control of many of the Pastors too. So I think that the pastors just do not know very much about politics in the first place, and I just think a lot about my goverment, I really do.
And so, whatever they were telling them to do is what they are doing.
Q: Now Rick Warren, did he have a meeting with the Presidents? Sounds like he is trying to play the mediator, making himself more of a note, so he could sell more books and paper, what ever they are selling over there, but now as, which side you thing Rick Warren is falling on?
A: Well, I think he is a heretic for sure, and I think he is an infiltrator, and I think that Rick Warren, well he wants to be a next Billy Graham on America, and you know he did the inauguration, first of all on obama, and he prayed to the Islam god, he did not pray to Jesus, and so the point is that he is one of this we call "all pathways leed back to god". In another words, you do't have to go thru Jesus to get to God. You know "I am the way to truth and the lie, and no one comes to the Father except by me, is what scriptures says.
But Rick Warren is the one that went thru, what I call, the denominational churches, the evangelical churches with his plan.
But then we have another group that come thru churches with magic, and opening portals.
Q: Now, a few years ago there vere spiritual happenings of gold dust, angelic singing, people's mouth filled with gold teaths. Was his church involved of any of that?
A: Now, that is another movement. And that come in to the country thru a woman named Hethler. As she went down at to the Brasil and she met a woman downt there that suposedly got healed from 5 different cancers, and that women got healed in the wodoo chatolic church, in other words, the chatolic church that was mixed wit wodoo. She was the first one that had this gold dudt coming out of her hands and from her hair.
In the very beginning of that I exposed that, and I told them it it was not coming from God...
...Q: Do You think thtat the US is now under a spirit like the spirit that took over the nazi germany?
A: Apsolutely, and I can tell you this spirit's name, and I can tell you, I can give you instances where its open that that spirit. There is called "The Angel in the Worldwind". And the angel in the worldwind was in George Bushes inanguration adress, and a hundred years ago some other fellow mentioned that America's course was in the hands of the angel in the worldwind. And George Bush said in his inangural adress "The angel in the worldwind drives our course".
And so, the angel in the worldwind is an angel that is called metathron, and metathron is an angel taht you will find in the book of Enoch and in the book of Jubilees which I do not beleive are the part of The Scriptures.,
But, that is angel, that is spirit that they claim in a book of Enoch nad in teh book of Jubilees, that is enoch one in the Bible that God took to the Heaven, that he did no die, and so they claim that the angel in the worldwind is actually enoch. And they claim that when enoch was taken in the heaven the god loved enochs so much that he cloacked him in light.
And this is a god, or the christ, that they are waiting for to return. They are not looking for Jesus Christ...
In only 10 years after the terror stage in NY everybody forgot few simple facts:

This is a Scull & Bones fraternity amblem.

This is a hat of a regular SS officier.
Next US foreign minister is Kerry, a member of both. As George W Bush is from the time of his grandad started all this.
When there was necessary to take down Christianity Chatolics, came Vatican II Council with Italian Pope (home of mafia) and germa theologician.
When was time to take down SSSR come Polish Pope. Poles were the ones that long ago stopped Russian invasion of Europe.
When come time to take down the human civilistaion come the German Pope, the same one that was a technical consultatn at the time of vatican II.
When come time to take down the America, come along obama without the clear ancestry, black & white, more muslim then Christian, groomed in fourth reich's project pegasus, loving that the drone killings are not regulated by the international law, and that americans are willing to pay for their demise without a single protest effort.
Quite amazing.
January 5th, 2013
Dr. Pat Holliday
Entities Raping Humans
Audio Interview
As you may have noticed I did not publish the Ott's sumary of her interview.
This is why:
Q: Well Pat, now it does seem to me there is within tens of thousands of diferent variations of the Christian groups, churches and that, and then the others and chatolics and the mormons and whatever other names there are aliniated of the christian names or sex, but they all seem to be able to mowe the needle in this country one more way or another when it comes to morality or abortion or any kind like that. Is taht because
they all have been hipnotised to be actually like obama suporter, or NWO supporters?
A: Actually, you know when bush was in office, bush told about the thing called faith base, and what happened was they gave the churches money to build their buildings and their programs, and, at that, they got control of many of the Pastors too. So I think that the pastors just do not know very much about politics in the first place, and I just think a lot about my goverment, I really do.
And so, whatever they were telling them to do is what they are doing.
Q: Now Rick Warren, did he have a meeting with the Presidents? Sounds like he is trying to play the mediator, making himself more of a note, so he could sell more books and paper, what ever they are selling over there, but now as, which side you thing Rick Warren is falling on?
A: Well, I think he is a heretic for sure, and I think he is an infiltrator, and I think that Rick Warren, well he wants to be a next Billy Graham on America, and you know he did the inauguration, first of all on obama, and he prayed to the Islam god, he did not pray to Jesus, and so the point is that he is one of this we call "all pathways leed back to god". In another words, you do't have to go thru Jesus to get to God. You know "I am the way to truth and the lie, and no one comes to the Father except by me, is what scriptures says.
But Rick Warren is the one that went thru, what I call, the denominational churches, the evangelical churches with his plan.
But then we have another group that come thru churches with magic, and opening portals.
Q: Now, a few years ago there vere spiritual happenings of gold dust, angelic singing, people's mouth filled with gold teaths. Was his church involved of any of that?
A: Now, that is another movement. And that come in to the country thru a woman named Hethler. As she went down at to the Brasil and she met a woman downt there that suposedly got healed from 5 different cancers, and that women got healed in the wodoo chatolic church, in other words, the chatolic church that was mixed wit wodoo. She was the first one that had this gold dudt coming out of her hands and from her hair.
In the very beginning of that I exposed that, and I told them it it was not coming from God...
...Q: Do You think thtat the US is now under a spirit like the spirit that took over the nazi germany?
A: Apsolutely, and I can tell you this spirit's name, and I can tell you, I can give you instances where its open that that spirit. There is called "The Angel in the Worldwind". And the angel in the worldwind was in George Bushes inanguration adress, and a hundred years ago some other fellow mentioned that America's course was in the hands of the angel in the worldwind. And George Bush said in his inangural adress "The angel in the worldwind drives our course".
And so, the angel in the worldwind is an angel that is called metathron, and metathron is an angel taht you will find in the book of Enoch and in the book of Jubilees which I do not beleive are the part of The Scriptures.,
But, that is angel, that is spirit that they claim in a book of Enoch nad in teh book of Jubilees, that is enoch one in the Bible that God took to the Heaven, that he did no die, and so they claim that the angel in the worldwind is actually enoch. And they claim that when enoch was taken in the heaven the god loved enochs so much that he cloacked him in light.
And this is a god, or the christ, that they are waiting for to return. They are not looking for Jesus Christ...
In only 10 years after the terror stage in NY everybody forgot few simple facts:

This is a Scull & Bones fraternity amblem.

This is a hat of a regular SS officier.
Next US foreign minister is Kerry, a member of both. As George W Bush is from the time of his grandad started all this.
When there was necessary to take down Christianity Chatolics, came Vatican II Council with Italian Pope (home of mafia) and germa theologician.
When was time to take down SSSR come Polish Pope. Poles were the ones that long ago stopped Russian invasion of Europe.
When come time to take down the human civilistaion come the German Pope, the same one that was a technical consultatn at the time of vatican II.
When come time to take down the America, come along obama without the clear ancestry, black & white, more muslim then Christian, groomed in fourth reich's project pegasus, loving that the drone killings are not regulated by the international law, and that americans are willing to pay for their demise without a single protest effort.
Quite amazing.