CFR Claims Chinese Gov't Hackers Attacked Their Servers and Left Without a Trace

Analysts at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) have confirmed that hackers traced to China attacked their system last week. The “drive-by” hacking utilized a pirated computer. To compound the problem, the analysts said that the hackers removed their malware and traces of their presence from CFR computer systems.

The CFR is a global Elite organization that “discusses” foreign policy, yet has direct influence over politicians and governmental leaders. In fact, Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, admitted on record that the CFR defines governmental policy by outlining for puppet officials how to conduct themselves.

Members of the CFR include:

• Brian Williams, NBC news anchor
• Angelina Jolie, actress
• Chuck Hagel, former Senator as possible replacement for Secretary of Defense
• Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State
• Dianne Feinstein, Senator and chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee
• John Kerry, Senator and possible replacement for Secretary of State
• Roger Ailes, Fox News CEO
• Rupert Murdoch
• David Petraeus, former CIA director
• George W. Bush
• Bill Clinton
• Robert Gates, former Defense Secretary and CIA director

Sitting on the board of the CFR are:

• Madeleine Albright
• Army General John Abizaid
• Colin Powell
• Henry Kissinger

Recognizing China as becoming a formidable replacement to the US as the world’s superpower, the CFR has outlined specific responses to this crisis of supremacy. Citing Chinese Internet policy, their disdain for freedom of speech in social media, and influence in global cyberspace, the CFR appreciates that this rising “foe” must be confronted indirectly with propaganda to distract from the obvious.

This attack marked a new level by international hackers who aim to steal information from government websites and computers. The “drive-by” tactic covertly plants malware, then the website itself is used to attack visitors to the site. Visitors can be infected, as hackers will then attempt to hack into other computers as visitors are passing by. The hackers use the main site as a “watering hole” that attracts users to it for the hackers to steal information from their computers.

The analysts for the CFR deduced that the hackers were using Microsoft Windows Explorer 8 or higher; and used a little-known security flaw in the browser to gain access to their targeted computer. This led the investigation to resemble the Aurora attack in 2009 which was traced back to the Chinese government.

Analysts recognized that the attack was to gain specific information from servers. As of now, the CFR cannot gauge the extent of the damage – admitting that their internal data servers have been compromised by the hacking.

According to an anonymous White House official that spoke to mainstream media, yet acknowledged that they were not authorized to speak about the subject, there was an attempt to hack into the executive branch’s computer system through an unclassified network. No data were removed, proving that this was not an actual hack. The nameless official said that the experiment was a “spear-phishing”.

The supposition is that China is behind these attacks because of a phishing expedition against Gmail accounts wherein several senior US government officials and military personnel were affected.

The White House, covertly tying the alleged cyber-attack to China is more diabolical than it appears. In July, Obama imposed stricter sanctions against Iran after they accepted gold as currency for petrol to China.

The Israeli Prime Minister asserts that “all the sanctions and diplomacy so far have not set back the Iranian (nuclear) program by one iota. And that’s why I believe that we need a strong and credible military threat coupled with the sanctions to have a chance to change that situation.”

For the better part of 2012, China has purchased gold on the global markets in record numbers. They are a member of the BRICs nations and are working to secure their fiat by backing its worth in the precious metal.

Essentially, by converting their fiat currency (the Yuan) into actual and exchangeable money, they are securing their country’s future. This gold could be used to support their nation’s efforts toward moving forward as the next superpower. It could also be a leverage tool to assist other flailing countries as insurance for a favor at a later date.

According to other mainstream media outlets, “hackers linked to China’s government broke into one of the U.S. government’s most sensitive computer networks, breaching a system used by the White House Military Office for nuclear commands, according to defense and intelligence officials familiar with the incident.”

The official questioned explained that a connection to Bejing in the case of the cyber attack “highlights a failure of the Obama administration to press China on its persistent cyber attacks.”

While China supports Iran and Syria, the White House decries cyber attacks. China has promised financial support to Iran should the Zionist regime strike against the Arab nation. And as Iran is continuously demonized in American propaganda media, China can expect the same fate. First it begins with accusations; however, this is the first round of propaganda wars that eventually leads to military opposition.
Article Source: Activistpost