While You Are Distracted Obama & the NDAA is Destroying the 2nd Amendment

With the advent of Obama’s new Gun Control Task Force headed by Vice President Joe Biden, the proposals coming to the forefront are focused on restricting the 2nd Amendment, government-controlled mental health services and governmental oversight of violence in social culture.

The GCTF will be empowered with propaganda studies and research proving that the federal government must step in to curb American fascination with violence by rendering the 2nd Amendment useless.

Topping the list of issues to confront is:

• Over-all gun restrictions
• Permanent banning of assault weapons
• Limits on the type of ammunition available
• Federal mandates on background checks on gun sales at gun shows
• Addressing violence in American culture

Obama said that confronting the National Rifle Association (NRA) would be part of a national dialogue to gain popular support for this incremental destruction of the US Constitution. The shooting at Sandy Hook is the reason for this new push against allowing Americans to retain the right to bear arms.

Speaking to the petition demanding Congressional legislation against assault weapons, Obama said: “I’m asking for your help to make a real meaningful difference in the lives of our communities and our country.” He continued with his promise the he will devise a way to include mental health and cultural factors into gun legislation to permanently restrict access to assault weapons for all Americans. “I need your help. If we’re going to succeed, it’s going to take a sustained effort from mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, law enforcement and responsible gun owners, organizing, speaking up, calling their members of Congress as many times as it takes, standing up and saying ‘Enough’ on behalf of all our kids.”

The public call to Congress to formulate a passable semi-automatic gun ban was first and foremost on the President’s agenda in an assumed attempt to place proactive blame on Congress if they failed in this task.
Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader, is introducing a vote to stop the American public from having access to high-capacity ammunition magazines. Senator Jay Rockefeller brought legislation to review the impact of violent video games on American children. While Senator Dianne Feinstein has announced previously that she will head the drafting of an assault weapons ban to be brought to Capitol Hill on the first day of the new Congress.

Rockefeller believes that violent content on television, in movies and video games are the problem. That this leads to desensitizing the viewer. The mainstream media was implicated by Wayne LaPierre, lobbyist for the NRA, in supporting the “shadow industry” existing in Hollywood that perpetrates “vicious, violent video games” that may have played a part in the Connecticut shooting.

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is as vocal as the NRA when it comes to protecting the Constitutional right to own guns for Americans. SAF and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) stated that Obama’s GCTF will not solve the national debate on gun violence.

Alan M. Gottlieb, chairman of the CCRKBA in Bellevue, Washington, said: “If we don’t identify and get at the root causes of violence it won’t matter how many guns you ban, you will still have violence. There were no guns around when Cain slew Abel, and throughout recorded history, mankind has engaged in considerable violence. Only in the past two centuries have firearms played a historic significance.”

The demonization of gun owners is contributing to a culture of fear against law abiding Americans who contribute to their communities, have families and are just like any other citizen. This fact is becoming clear to organizations like SAF and CCRKBA.

Senator Joseph Lieberman said that violent content on television causes people to become more violent. The mainstream television line up is saturated with violent programs that justify Lieberman’s comment.
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