Town hall cash wasted on ‘leadership training’: Minister attacks taxpayer

Town hall cash wasted on ‘leadership training’: Minister attacks taxpayer

Town halls should stop spending a fortune on expensive leadership training courses run by groups such as Common Purpose, Eric Pickles has said.

The Local Government Secretary called on councils to spend less on the organisation, described as the Left’s answer to the old boys’ network, which provides leadership advice.

He said it was wrong that town halls spent thousands of pounds sending staff and councillors on such courses at a time when front-line services were under threat.

The advice was contained in a booklet, 50 Ways to Save, which includes ideas from Mr Pickles on how to make deeper cuts without affecting public services.

Other ideas include spending less on translating documents, and ending the collection of ‘intrusive’ questionnaires from suppliers and residents about their sexuality and religion.

Mr Pickles said: ‘Every bit of the public sector needs to do their bit to pay off the budget deficit inherited from the last administration.

‘Councils should focus on cutting waste and making sensible savings to protect frontline services and keep council tax down.’
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