Reviews Praise Frank Li Book

Econintersect:  Less than three weeks ago GEI columnist Frank Li (pictured) published an ebook on  So far eight reviews have been written at  All reviews heap unqualified praise on the book, "Saving America, Chinese Style".
Some of the review comments include statements "A great book full of historical insights...", "....a very thought provoking analysis of USA in 2012..." and "It's been a long time since I have read a book this interesting."

Follow up:
The book description at Amazon, written by the author, begins with the following:
America is deeply in trouble, with high unemployment and huge national debt often cited as the top two problems. But what is the root cause for these problems?To me, here are the two root causes:
1) The rise of BRICS, led by China, as economic competitors to America.
2) The incompetence of America’s political system, especially when compared with China’s.

Cause 1) was inevitable, but cause 2) was not. How, then, can we make America’s political system more competitive? Introducing strict term-limits for the top political offices, with the American Presidency being one-term (e.g. 6 years), plus more!
Overall, I believe I have the most accurate diagnosis for America, as well as the best solution. To sell them, I have been writing and publishing my ideas for more than four years. Very significantly, I have met with several top politicians for discussion. The photo below shows one example (omitted here.)
Click on the book image to pass through to Amazon to read more about the book and to order.
Article Source: Econintersect