Ke$ha Claims She Was Forced to Sing “Die Young”

In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, radio stations across the country are dropping Ke$ha’s single Die Young from their playlist. The song’s constant repetition of the words “we’re gonna die young” is now apparently deemed inappropriate for airplay. As I’ve stated in The Illuminati Symbolism of Ke$ha’s “Die Young” and How it Ridicules the Indoctrinated Masses, the entire imagery of the video and of the live performances that accompanied the song were about glorifying death and ritual sacrifices. All of this was interlaced with Illuminati symbolism, hinting that the whole thing was yet another way of the elite to push a culture of death on the masses.

In reaction to this backlash, Ke$ha took to Twitter and posted an unexpected comment: “I did NOT want to sing those lyrics and I was FORCED TO.”


Ke$ha’s tweet as captured by

This tweet was later deleted because it probably pissed off her bosses.

But who exactly forced her to sing those lyrics? Why was she credited as a writer of the song? As I stated in the Die Young article:
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