WHERE is Half a Trillion Dollars Bernanke? - Alan Grayson

WHERE is Half a Trillion Dollars Bernanke? - Alan Grayson

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the U.S.A. and one of the Founding Fathers

Alan Grayson Grills Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Foreign Lending. Fmr Chairman Greenspan says the Fed is "a private agency with no higher authority". Are you beginning to see smell this scam. Amshel Rothschild "Allow me to control the money, I care not who creates the laws." Did you know 90% of Americans from both parties were against the bailouts? It doesn't matter the banksters own the politicians who work for them because THEY ARE THE SOVEREIGN. Imagine if some outside entity had the company checkbook. The outside company would control the company. "The Sovereign creates the money". If you don't create/control the money. You are not sovereign. This is the same for individuals, corporations, and countries. Jesus got violent only one time. It was in the Temple where the "money changers" set a monopoly on money with silver coins. The Bible warns about usury(interest on invented money) 15 times. Does the TV, universities, and talking heads teach this?? No, as they are funded by the same money power. The New World Order is an international, fascist, zionist, central bank dictatorship which rules the politicians, elections, military industrial complex, corporate media, educational systems in most Western countries. Our major wars on both sides are financed by the same money power so they can engineer the 99% slaves to fight EACH OTHER in an endless divide and conquer strategy by 1% owners.