How the FED is keeping America Drunk on Easy Money
The more these central banks loose it the more they push centralization as the solution. It's not going to work until a central power has total control over everything kind of junk. It's not murder or genocide that's the problem but people exposing and talking about it type of lunacy thinking. Pedophiles believe people exposing them are cruel and the problem. Historically the wicked can't stand exposure. - (John 3:20; Eph.5:11).
The more these central banks loose it the more they push centralization as the solution. It's not going to work until a central power has total control over everything kind of junk. It's not murder or genocide that's the problem but people exposing and talking about it type of lunacy thinking. Pedophiles believe people exposing them are cruel and the problem. Historically the wicked can't stand exposure. - (John 3:20; Eph.5:11).