BBC still trying to claim Iran supplies missiles to HAMAS

The obedient US corporate media is claiming that Iran has supplied Fajr-5 rockets to whoever inside Gaza is launching them at Israel.


Israel's blockade of Gaza is so tight that crayons and musical instruments for Gaza's children cannot get through. The Fajr-5 is 6 1/2 meters long, and weighs 915 Kilograms. It requires a launcher, which is 10 1/2 meters long.

Think something that big and heavy gets smuggled in through a tunnel?

And common sense applies here. Why would Iran do such a stupid thing? All it would take is just one of these rockets to be discovered and captured by the Israelis to provide Israel and the US an excuse for an attack. Yet Israel claims that the Gazans had a multitude of these rockets.

This is an Israeli hoax to drag Iran into conflict and start the long desired war to "dollarize" Iran's oil fields.
Please post this common sense reply everywhere you see this story trying to demonize Iran.